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The Annapolis conference took place on November 27, 2007 which by the Jewish calendar is the 18th of Kislev of the year 5768. Pairing 18th of Kislev with Annapolis and Conference did not produce a statistically significant table. Pairing the year 5768 with Annapolis and Conference also did not produce a statistically significant table. However, pairing the shortened form of the year (5)768 with Annapolis and Conference did produce a statistically significant table which is shown below.

Annapolis Conference 5768
The expected number of ELSs is set to 10. The cylinder size is 3061. The probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would have as small an area table as the one produced by the Torah text is 12.5/1,000.
Finding by Professor Haralick

We did find a table that has the month Kislev and the year (5)768 paired with Annapolis and will fail. Here the expected number of ELSs is set to 20. The cylinder size is 2040. The probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would have as small an area table as the one produced by the Torah text is 8.5/1,000.

Annapolis Kislev 5768
The expected number of ELSs is set to 20. The cylinder size is 2040. The probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would have as small an area table as the one produced by the Torah text is 8.5/1,000.
Finding by Rabbi Glazerson

The Annapolis conference was organized by Secretary of State Rice and President Bush. Therefore, we pair Rice and Bush, with and without the letters of their first names, with Annapolis. The best table was not statistically significant and we show it below.

Annapolis G. Bush Rice
The expected number of ELSs is set to 30. The cylinder size is 2038. The probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would have as small an area table as the one produced by the Torah text is 393/1,000.
Finding by Professor Haralick

The above table is interesting because it is in the same location as some of our previous tables. And in fact in this table appear ELSs for the key words Kislev, (5)768, and will fail. This is shown in the table below. With the expected number of ELSs set to 30, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would have as small an area table as the one produced by the Torah text is 3.5/10,000.

Annapolis G. Bush Rice Kislev 5768
The expected number of ELSs is set to 30. The cylinder size is 2038. The probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would have as small an area table as the one produced by the Torah text is 3.5/10,000.
Finding by Rabbi Glazerson

The two parties that are suppose to come to agreement in Annapolis is the Prime Minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert and the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas. However there are no ELSs of these last names, with or without the first letter of their first names that forms a compact table with an ELS of Annapolis.